about me


Hi! I am Ellie👋

Hi, I'm Ellie. I'm a full-stack developer from China, living and working in Tokyo, Japan.
My main tools are Python & Django, Ruby & Rails, and React. I have a keen interest in Rust, AWS and Docker.
Outside of work I like boxing, bouldering, and dogs.
Hi, I'm Ellie. I'm a full-stack developer living and working in Tokyo.
My main tools are Python & Django, Ruby & Rails, and React. I have a keen interest in Rust, AWS and Docker.


cs50 certification

October 2020 ~ December 2020

I joined the Harvard CS50 computer science course from Oct 2020 to Dec 2020. Topics include algorithms, data structures, resource management, software engineering, and web development. Languages included C, Python (Flask, Django), SQL, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

There were 9 problem sets (i.e., programming assignments) and a final project which consisted of a simple 2-person website-based chatroom using Flask. I earned my certification in Jun 2021.

Le wagon bootcamp
Le wagon bootcamp

April 2021 ~ September 2021

A 24-week part-time intensive coding Bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES6, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku, and Ruby on Rails.

Bootcamp Projects:

‣ Portfolio website (HTML, CSS, JS)
‣ Movie watch list website (Ruby, Rails, HTML, SCSS, JS, Cloudinary)
‣ A pet sitting website as a team (Project manager, developer. Team of 3.) (Ruby, Rails, HTML, SCSS, JS, Cloudinary, Heroku)
‣ A social proof app and widget as a team (Lead developer. Team of 3.) (Ruby, Rails, Preact, HTML, SCSS, JS, Cloudinary, Heroku, Cloudflare)
