about me



Lead developer (Team of 3)

Aprooft helps you to easily embed the voice of the community into your product page. With a few clicks, add social proof to your website through a widget. Let existing customers convince potential customers to buy.

Role & Achievements

  • Managed project direction & scope
  • Implemented Preact widget for embedding on client websites, and corresponding widget editor
  • Implemented backend API & database
  • Implemented integration with YouTube API
  • Finished on schedule with positive responses to our pitch & MVP
  • Achieved most commits across all bootcamp students


Project manager, developer (Team of 3)

Pettoren is a website that allows pet owners to list their pet's availability, to help them find nearby reliable pet sitters. Conversely, it also helps pet sitters easily find nearby available pets to take care of.

Role & Achievements

  • Managed project direction & scope
  • Integrated, implemented and published libraries
  • Implemented the user dashboard and responsive forms
  • Finished on schedule with positive responses to our pitch & MVP


Solo project
preact icon

Multi-select-calendar is a Preact calendar supporting arbitrary day selection and i18n, which has been published to npm.


  • Supports multi-day selection (including non-contiguous)
  • Supports setting available days which can be selected
  • Supports localization into any language supported by the browser / device
  • Outputs an array of selected days in %Y-%-m-%-d format in a hidden <input>
  • No moment.js needed
  • Supports customizing styles by providing your own CSS